The Saucepan
You know when you boil a saucepan of water and placing the lid on top will increase the temperature faster. As the water is bubbling away and steam is rising, there comes a point where you must lift the lid, to stop everything bubbling over or boiling dry. Let’s explore self-expression together.
We as humans are just like the saucepan full of water.
Our opinions, motivations, priorities and our soul purpose is the water, the steam and the heat.
It is also our individual expression of our true selves.
Some of us are like cold or at least lukewarm water.
Some of us are bubbling away with ideas and huge changes we want to inspire in the world.
For the leaders around us who are visible and making real change, they have learnt a way to lift the lid on their metaphorical saucepan. They add more heat and water, without hesitation, to keep their momentum going for the long run. Self-expression is part of this journey.
For those who are potential leaders, but are struggling to be seen and heard, they are still keeping the lid firmly on their opinions, motivations and ultimately their soul purpose.
It takes a lot of work to add heat and water to a saucepan.
It also takes a lot of energy to hold the lid down on our truest selves.
So what does lifting the lid “look like” in terms of self-expression and personal branding.
Well, I’ll show you…
Lifting the lid on the real you
Lifting the lid on the real you, requires staying very present in your body, especially in front of a camera.
Mindfulness is the key.
Lifting the lid on your authenticity, comes through the micro expressions from your eyes, cheeks, jawline and shoulders.
Posing with ease is something I guide clients through.
Lifting the lid on your expression, comes from lighting up your eyes with a fire that originates from your belly.
You’ve got to feel it because then your audience/customers will feel it also.
Lifting the lid on your personal brand, means that we need to feel your passion, from the very moment we engage with you.
Show them the unexpected, engage fully with your audience.
This is why I invite clients at their pre-shoot IGNITE session, to clarify and visualise their 18-month future version of themselves and their business/career. I want them to lift up out of the space they are currently playing in and future pace their thinking, mindset and physical presence. Their micro-expressions, body language and the energy that is coming from behind their eyes, all changes and amplifies. The lid ends up well and truly lifted on their ‘saucepan’ and we are adding more heat and water to the impact of their branding photographs.
Why do potential leaders willingly CHOOSE to keep the lid on their self-expression and ultimately hold themselves back?
It comes down to THREE key things…
1. Clarity – They aren’t crystal clear about who they are and are being influenced by what other people have told them to be and do. They aren’t clear and confident about their opinions and priorities. When we hold the lid down on clarity, we tend to look to others for guidance. We might even change the way we dress or think, because someone has told us how to see ourselves, based on their own filters and life experience.
When we are in alignment with our brand, message, and services – the lid is off.
When we are out of alignment, and not being authentic – the lid is on and we are suffocating our opinions, motivations and priorities.
What would your 18-month future self be wearing, if she or he were being fully self-expressed and totally embracing their individuality? Resist the questions and concerns that come up from this. Just state the facts.
Comment below, telling me what you would be doing differently with your wardrobe choices.
2. Mindset – We’ve all been told at some stage that we are #toomuch of something.
You are too bold
Too loud
You have too many ideas
Too forward
You are too quiet
Too sensitive
Your are too emotional
Too serious
You are too relaxed
Too excitable
You are too colourful
Some of us listen to the #toomuch brigade, ironically way “too much”.
Some of us see the naysayers as a cue that we are exactly where we should be in life and to keep doing what we are doing.
I say, give those people the flip, and start listening to what you really believe and want.
What is your #toomuch <word> that you can adopt proudly and defiantly?
Comment below, telling me your #toomuch <word>.
3. Purpose – If you are following other people’s dreams, then you won’t want to ‘show up’, be visible and speak up about something that is in misalignment with who you are and what lights you up. Lift that lid up, and get super clear about your soul purpose and how you can make that your life’s work.
What is your big dream that is going to transform the world?
Comment below, telling me about your big dream!
I dare you to be too loud that you get a reaction!
Be too bold that the people who count won’t forget you!
Too provocative, that your tribe is inspired to speak their own truth!
Be a leader who is #toomuch. Explore self-expression.