Corporate Headshots

Thank You

Light - Brand coaching

for booking a
SPOTLIGHT strategy
session with me

During this 30 minute strategy session, we’ll
discuss how I can help you to shake sh*t up,
Ignite your brand and finally show the world
the real you!

In all your glory!

Corporate Headshots
Corporate Headshots

There Is Just One More Step I Need You to Take
on Starting This Adventure with Me…


Corporate Headshots

spotlight strategy session

On this call, we’re going to take a closer look at your
current way of showing up in your branding message, your photographs and your storytelling. We will cast a lens over your website, your social media presence and the way you offer your services.

We will highlight ways to take you from flat 2D snooze-
worthy ‘looking like everyone else’ mediocre branding to 4K Ultra High Definition Unicorn status!

We’ll outline the Future YouTM vision you have for your branding and how we can capture your brand message
and photographs, as you would be in 18 months time!

This potent 30 minute conversation will kickstart changes
in your thinking and how you feel you are showing up in the world. It will plant seeds of possibility, before we even
officially start working together.

Corporate Headshots


to levelling up
your marketing!

Any moment now your inbox will receive an email detailing all the next steps you need, to begin this adventure with me.

There could very well be some digital confetti included, to celebrate our connection!

Note: No promises I won’t send real life confetti in the mail when we start this adventure together! Sorry, not sorry!

There will be an invitation to complete a short form that asks big questions about your business, your dreams and how you want to show up in your brand. I only ask questions about what really matters the most to you.

Help me to piece together the puzzle of your Future YouTM brand and how to get you fully aligned with your boldest branding vision!

Once you hit submit, you just need to bring your amazing authentic self to the call.

Be ready to talk big and get real.

It’s time to unmask, unravel and reveal the truest version
of you!

No more hiding!

Corporate Headshots


Our Clients

Light - Brand coaching

Trailblazing Unicorn case study

Light - Brand coaching

An interview with Dr. Irena Yashin-Shaw, Educator, Author, Mentor.

Corporate Headshots


Customer Transformation Catalyst,
Customer Strategy Consultant,
Keynote Speaker & Author

Well – what can I say? What started out as ‘let’s just get some good photography + headshots’ turned out to be so much better + so much more. In fact, if you’re searching for the answer to getting the *right* imagery that is *you* – you’ve found it.

I’m a skeptic at the best of times, so it was a hard task to get me to engage. Within minutes of our first call, I knew Louise was on it + that something truly unique + special would emerge. Not only did her process deliver outstanding, cut-through images that portray exactly who we are + want to show up as, it solidified so many issues around our identity + positioning that we had grappled with for years. She’s fun, challenging + knowledgeable – so much more than you can imagine.

I recommend Louise to people who are truly wanting to invest in their personal brand + positioning. This truly is the Rolls Royce of what’s out there!

Amanda Blesing

Speaker, C-Suite Mentor, Trainer & Author

I hired Louise to assist me to reposition myself and link my visual assets more closely with my own IP.

Wow. Louise really delivers… I can’t wait to start using my new imagery more fully!


Life Coach, Master Time
Line Therapy

Just want to start by saying WOW!! Before meeting Louise, I had the cliche photo ideas like… sitting with laptop on table and bookshelf in background. Louise expanded my vision and opened me up to different photo ideas. She also helped me with my upcoming magazine article, with ways to get clear on my branding and the direction for the future. Louise helped me every step of the way, got me out of my comfort zone and made things fun.

The result… absolutely STUNNING PHOTOS and an unforgettable experience! If you want to stand out instead of blend in, I recommend Louise and I can’t wait to work with her again in the future.


Int. Top 10 Healer 2019, Double Bronze Stevie Awards 2018, Finalist Specialised Small Business 2017 & Author

Louise is an elite in her field. She’s actually establishing a new field. One that captures your essence and amplifies it to cosmic levels. Stretching the boundaries to the benefit of YOU. She gets inside your head, then identifies the brilliance within and from behind the camera, expertly enticing it to boldly shine.

Melissa Langton

Experienced HR Coach,
Advisor & Strategist

The photos are almost secondary to the discovery of my brand and what I want to step into. The care Louise takes with your story makes you feel safe. Makes you want to burst out of your photos. As a result of Louise’s process and the science behind it, I was shocked, I have to admit, that the feeling of ‘edginess’ and ‘getting real’ were the results of our sessions together.

I have a way forward now and I’m stepping into it. With Louise to guide me creatively, bring it on. You will only look forward with excitement and energy when you work with Louise Williams, branding extraordinaire.

Jaimee Maree

Founder of Savvy Copy, Conversion-Focused Direct Response Copywriter & Online Marketing Expert

After 10 years of having my marketing business, working with Louise is hands down one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my brand. Her process is unlike any other. She’s so much more than a photographer. She’s in a class of her own. This was my last piece of the puzzle for serious growth in my business.

Thanks to this experience, I know I’m going to look back in 18 months time and be able to definitively say, working with Louise was the turning point in my business.

Helen Glover

Divorce Coach, Styling &
Concierge Services

My time with Louise was so valuable, not just as an incredible and productive experience, but I felt like I was mentored by someone who really cared about me moving into my passion and purpose. Louise is a woman who champions other women, she brings fun and professional skill, then backs that with intuitive insight about how to make it better, bigger and more impactful. She wants to challenge the part of you that wants to hide away. Her service is a gift to all women creating change with their business.


LinkedIn Top Voice 2020, Founder at Nurse Professional Advancement

Louise has a unique ability to connect with your future self and propel you wildly towards it. She blends Jungian Psychology with photography to set a path from your current self to your future state. I did the full psychology and headshots session and planned out my career for my next two years (but found it all happened much faster than expected)! I cannot recommend Louise highly enough. Her photos are outrageously authentic, but her real skill is catapulting you towards your future goals. If you are considering booking in – stop considering and just do it!

Emma Willmann

Style Coach & Image
Alignment Specialist

When I look at my photographs, it is like looking into a mirror of my soul. I feel like people can see exactly who I am, no pretense and the impact of this is a powerful potent attractor for people who need you in their lives. She has ruined me for any stock standard headshots forever – and I love that! Thank you, Louise. For existing and for sharing your magic with the world.

Linda Conyard

Visionary & Social

Thank you so much. I never thought I could have fun in front of a camera. Your process before and during the shoot is incredible. I love the photos.

Nina Sunday

Speaker, Author, Advisor

Louise is a photographic artist with exceptional ability to entice us to express more ‘attitude’ in front of the camera. In 20 years of getting headshots done, Louise’s approach is superior in every way.


Jason Smith


Wow. I can’t believe it’s only been a few months since I first met Louise. So much has happened, so much has changed and so much of that, is a direct result of the catalyst that is Louise. With her guidance, my business is taking off and I feel so content with my direction in this world. It baffles me, that armed with her camera, she is capable of capturing emotion and energy; it’s just magic.


Project Engineer & Ocean
Engineering Consultant

It was great working with Louise for work & career photography products. Louise is more than a photographer. She really harnesses, elevates and leverages you (through your own understanding) with the photographs to set you up to win with the best outcomes.

Katrina johnson

Connecting Leaders and Teams, Mentor, Coach, Facilitator & Speaker

What an experience! More than “just a headshot”! More than “branding photos”! Louise creates an experience that elevates you into your higher self. The self that already exists, and seeks to be fully exposed and expressed.

I always have faith in Louise’s photographic prowess – she’s got it in spades! She never ceases to amaze me in how she effortlessly brings out who I am, what I do, my energy and essence AND tells this story through images of me.



Author and Publishing Coach

Louise is far more than a passionate photographer. She is an alchemist, drawing on almost magical skills and divine guidance to get the best out of her camera with client outcomes that are nothing short of extraordinary. The very best creative artist I’ve ever worked with.

Dr Julie Knutsen

Career Success Strategist, Author & Keynote Speaker

Louise’s skilled photography helped me on so many levels. Honestly, I was in a state of depression when I said yes to a photography session. I had lost direction. My career was a standstill. I couldn’t see – what had to change for me to get back my mojo. Then, via a photographic journey Louise helped me to see me as I wanted to be seen. The make-up, the hair, the look – transported me up and out of a dark moment to a much better state of mind. Since that time, I’ve published a book and kicked started a new business. Louise’s photos feature on the cover and all my propaganda.

The photos say everything about how I want to be seen; they’re impressionable. Thank you, Louise.


The Workplace Human Value Disruptor

With the nonstop value add of her psychology background, Louise helps you overcome blocks and challenges you may be facing. You can then craft your messaging to connect with and touch the hearts and minds of all who come across your work.

Ingrid Moyle

Web Designer, Content Strategist  & Copywriter, Speaker & Author

Louise delivered in spades! My photos are incredibly memorable, funny, quirky and very me: All of me – complete with all my wonderous silly, geeky and standout-ishness. The feedback on my photos has been amazing. I have been inundated by people coming up to me and saying, “Oh – I loved the photo with you and the light-saber” and “Your portal picture is exactly what you do!” People see my photos and instantly recall who I am and what I do. They uniquely brand me on the market in a way that no bland corporate headshot can. Getting
Louise Williams to shoot my photos was the best marketing investment I have made in a decade.

SUe lester

Mindset and Executive Coach at Growing Content, Speaker & Author

Louise has a real gift for seeing your potential and drawing it out in a visual narrative. She knows the rules and can push you safely well past where you thought your boundaries were. The end results ensure you stand out in a crowded marketplace and more easily share your true message with the world. Louise’s creative juices flow on your behalf and she genuinely gets incredibly excited for you & your business success. Be brave and trust her advice. I’ll certainly be working with Louise again.

Elise Stevens

Consultant for Women in
STEM, Organisational Change Manager, Author

I was so excited to work with Louise and spruce up my branding images. This was not a traditional head shot session. Rather an examination of my goals for my business and what I was about. The pre-planning work provided an opportunity to reflect and work with Louise to clarify the vision.

The resulting images were not the standard boring stock images rather they are full of movement and life.

Sally foley-lewis

Breakthrough Speaker 2020, Virtual Speaker & Facilitator, Productive- & Self-
Leadership Expert

This is no ordinary photo shoot experience. The investment is worth every cent. The attention to detail, brand and message is brilliant. You receive images that keep you relevant for more than ‘now’! Louise ensures your images keep you covered as you drive your message forward.

Jo hassan

Vitality Expert

I loved the whole experience from woe to go. I was attracted to Louise’s psychologist background and using those skills to ask pertinent questions, then click the camera at just the right time. She didn’t disappoint. I am thrilled with the results and can’t wait to do it all again one day with some different scenes.

Dr Irena Yashin-Shaw

Educator, Author, Speaker and Mentor

I love working with creative people. Louise is not a photographer – she is an artist. She has a wonderful talent for seeing what COULD be rather than just what IS. Her work reflects this. The stunning images she has created for me took me way out of my comfort zone. Work with Louise when you are ready to take a giant leap forward through your branding. And just trust her – she knows what she is doing.


Workplace Mental Health Educator and Speaker

To say that Louise’s photos kick started a refresh of my brand and work would be an understatement. Louise not only deeply understood my area of work but saw the real me, the me that I had been reticent to show to the world in case it didn’t have enough ‘gravitas’ (a hangover from my legal background!) In her photographs of me, Louise captured my message and the person I am, not only when I am working with clients but every day. Congruency at last!

The business result – motivation and courage to show my clients the WSYIWIG me, what I have to offer – and not die wondering ‘what if?’